Contact Us


If you have an accident or emergency situation at Scouts please do follow the steps in the Purple card – Safe Scouting and what to do in an emergency.

For more information visit the emergencies and reporting section of the Scout Association website.

Out of hours contact: In an emergency situation where you need to speak to the on duty Critical Incident Manager, Safeguarding Officer or Media Officer, please call 0345 300 1818 (local rate) or 020 8433 7100 where an out of hours service will triage you to the correct person.

Contacting volunteers during events

If a young person is currently attending a Nights Away event or day trip, please use the contact details provided by the lead volunteer for the event.

Any emergency or urgent information should be passed to the lead volunteer, who will then put you in touch with the young person attending the event.

Contact details

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us on the contact details below:

General Enquiries:

Beavers Enquiries:

(Beavers Meeting Time: Fri 18:00-19:30)

Meeting Location:

Autumn – Spring: YMCA St Helens

Summer: Crank Scout Hut

Cubs Enquiries:

(Cubs Meeting Time: Fri 18:00-19:30)

Autumn – Spring: YMCA St Helens

Summer: Crank Scout Hut

Scouts Enquiries:

(Scouts Meeting Time: Fri 19:30-21:30)

The Scout section alternates each week between YMCA St Helens and Crank Scout Hut.

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